Friday, July 10, 2009

SEO Fun with friends

People ask me how to pick the best keywords for their website....

So i usually respond with the answer that there are many fact some call it an art.. And at the end of the day, why not have some fun with your friends while doing it???

So you are going to need a bottle of wine, yes wine,....maybe a few depending on the fish ;) and you will also need a sticky note pad, accompanied by your friends of good character...

The object is two ask each friend, it doesn't have to be in order, have fun, a keyword or search phrase they might use to find your website when searching google or yahoo. Write each keyword or search phrase on the sticky note and then smack it on a wall somewhere. Try to get as many as you can.

Thank your friends for the help and in time pick out the best ones, top 10, and "stick to those guns."

Take care,



***Note: Please drink responsibly and don't drink and drive.***

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