Complete Rankings Data
The following ranking factors were rated by our panel of 72 SEO experts. Their feedback is aggregated and averaged into the percentage scores below. For each, we’ve calculated the degree to which the experts felt this factor was important for achieving high rankings as well as the degree of variance in opinion, estimated using the standard deviation of the contributors’ answers. Thus, factors that are high in importance and low in contention are those where experts agree the most that the factor is critical to rankings.
Top 5 On-Page (Keyword-Specific) Ranking Factors
1. Keyword Use Anywhere in the Title Tag
66% very high importance
2. Keyword Use as the First Word(s) of the Title Tag
63% high importance
3. Keyword Use in the Root Domain Name (e.g.
60% high importance
4. Keyword Use Anywhere in the H1 Headline Tag
49% moderate importance
5. Keyword Use in Internal Link Anchor Text on the Page
47% moderate importance
Read more about Search Engine Ranking Factors by SEOmoz.
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