Thursday, May 6, 2010

Web Analyst Archetype

I was doing some qreading(quick reading) and came across an article about archetypes of Web Analysts and how using tools such as GA(Google Analytics) or coremetrics is only one facet of the business. Basically many say that s/he needs to be well rounded in fields other their specialty, allowing them tap into personas, psychs, and commonalities of their clients.

One thing that I would like to mention is that the "Archetype" of the future Web Analyst that is discussed in other posts, is that s/he is a hot commodity in limbo these days. At least in 2010.

People are only "starting" to realize the value in a Web Analyst, which means that more education/teaching needs to happen for this to grow. (There's an opportunity here) Remember technology is about speed and productivity. If everyone were up to speed, then everything would be faster right? You could move along with advances and take a holistic approach to learn from your mistakes...Good luck!

It takes time for that time to come; where everyone understands what needs to be understood. It can and will happen though! In other words, a collective consciousness. It's important for the WA(Web Analyst) to broaden his or her horizon to be able to apply metaphorical filters to the data and then communicate it effectively to each department. This is when the Web Analyst begins to use a different "play on words" and also passes through language barriers, becoming a "language barrier ninja".

Contact Capitalsal to hire a Web Analyst

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